Wednesday, 30 March 2011


We decided to involve the school in our documentary and discuss how CCTV is used as surveillance in the school environment and how it has helped with certain incidents in the past.

We chose to film Mr Scully, who is one of the assistant principles of our school and also responsible for students well being. He was happy to speak about the issues that the school has dealt with involving the schools CCTV such as bikes being stolen and girls toilets being graffited. [insert picture of scully from interview]

The interview turned out very successful and we were pleased with how much information we got from Mr Scully. We were able to talk about how the CCTV captures students at break time and teachers can monitor this from a control panel located in one of the schools offices. He was also able to talk about the stolen bike incident and the consideration of whether to put cctv cameras inside the girls toilets to moniter students bunking off or vandalising the toilets.

Friday, 25 March 2011

Interview with Shopkeeper

As part of our documentary, we needed to film an interview with a shopkeeper informing the audience on how they use CCTV in their shop and how they deal with shoplifting. The main purpose of the interview is to explain how cctv has helped solve crimes and is used to feel safe. On 13/3/11, we went to interview shopkeeper, Mr Patel of 'New & Wines' in Weybridge. Unfortunetly due to privacy reasons, we were unable to film him as he preferred to remain anonymmous so we recorded his voice instead. The interview went reasonably well but we were hoping for the shopkeeper to give us more information on CCTV and elaborate his answers more. We may reshoot the interview at a different shop which will allow us to film without anonymonity and hopefully give us more detail to make our documentary seem more interesting and proffesional.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011

Supporting piece Research- Advertising Pack

As a group, we researched into different billboards, posters that advertise CCTV for some inspiration and ideas towards our supporting piece of an advertisement pack.

The image below was one that caught our eye as it is interactive so therefore attracts the viewers attention more.
We are exploring some different ideas which are simular and to make the audience feel uneasy about 'being watched' by CCTV 24/7. We must also make sure that we are advertising our documentary as well as informing people about being surveilled in general.