We have presented our documentary to some of our classmates and this is the positive and negative feedback we recieved:
Wednesday, 27 April 2011
Supporting piece- Radio advert
As a group, we decided to make a radio advert for our supporting piece. We wanted to ensure the radio advert is short but engaging to catch the audiences attention
to want to watch our documentary.
Our radio advert consists of a series of voices describing locations of where security cameras are found then mentioning that ‘they’re always watching’ to make the audience feel uneasy. To do this we also added a background sound effect to make it sound tense. We had used the yeti to record our voices and garageband to edit it together.

Our radio advert consists of a series of voices describing locations of where security cameras are found then mentioning that ‘they’re always watching’ to make the audience feel uneasy. To do this we also added a background sound effect to make it sound tense. We had used the yeti to record our voices and garageband to edit it together.

The purpose of the advert is to make the audience feel like they are unaware that cctv is in fact everywhere you go and that the cameras are always watching you. This is a way of conveying what our documentary is about.
Supporting Piece- Advertising Pack
For my personal supporting piece, I have completed my advertising pack which includes a bus stop poster, a billboard and a magazine advert.

Bus stop poster:
Above is my bus stop poster, I created this poster in this design as i wanted the poster to engage the audience by making them feel intimidated by how the community is being watched like big brother. I have created an ‘Uncle Sam’ style poster which points across the message that you don’t know who is watching YOU through surveillance.

My magazine advert is created to be simple but still eyecatching and creative. I have kept the same font throughout the advertisement pack to make sure audiences know that the advert belongs to the same documentary as the rest of the advertisements so that it is recognised.
I have created them using programs such as adobe firework and paint.

Bus stop poster:

Billboard advert:

Above is my billboard advert, I made it bold and striking to attract audiences attention especially as billboards are located in busy, built-up areas. The billboard advert links to the documentary by conveying the message that you are watched wherever you go and even if you think you are not watched, there is always a way you are caught on camera.
Magazine Advert:
My magazine advert is created to be simple but still eyecatching and creative. I have kept the same font throughout the advertisement pack to make sure audiences know that the advert belongs to the same documentary as the rest of the advertisements so that it is recognised.
Wednesday, 30 March 2011

We chose to film Mr Scully, who is one of the assistant principles of our school and also responsible for students well being. He was happy to speak about the issues that the school has dealt with involving the schools CCTV such as bikes being stolen and girls toilets being graffited. [insert picture of scully from interview]
The interview turned out very successful and we were pleased with how much information we got from Mr Scully. We were able to talk about how the CCTV captures students at break time and teachers can monitor this from a control panel located in one of the schools offices. He was also able to talk about the stolen bike incident and the consideration of whether to put cctv cameras inside the girls toilets to moniter students bunking off or vandalising the toilets.

Friday, 25 March 2011
Interview with Shopkeeper
As part of our documentary, we needed to film an interview with a shopkeeper informing the audience on how they use CCTV in their shop and how they deal with shoplifting. The main purpose of the interview is to explain how cctv has helped solve crimes and is used to feel safe. On 13/3/11, we went to interview shopkeeper, Mr Patel of 'New & Wines' in Weybridge. Unfortunetly due to privacy reasons, we were unable to film him as he preferred to remain anonymmous so we recorded his voice instead. The interview went reasonably well but we were hoping for the shopkeeper to give us more information on CCTV and elaborate his answers more. We may reshoot the interview at a different shop which will allow us to film without anonymonity and hopefully give us more detail to make our documentary seem more interesting and proffesional.

Wednesday, 16 March 2011
Supporting piece Research- Advertising Pack
As a group, we researched into different billboards, posters that advertise CCTV for some inspiration and ideas towards our supporting piece of an advertisement pack.
The image below was one that caught our eye as it is interactive so therefore attracts the viewers attention more.
We are exploring some different ideas which are simular and to make the audience feel uneasy about 'being watched' by CCTV 24/7. We must also make sure that we are advertising our documentary as well as informing people about being surveilled in general.
The image below was one that caught our eye as it is interactive so therefore attracts the viewers attention more.
We are exploring some different ideas which are simular and to make the audience feel uneasy about 'being watched' by CCTV 24/7. We must also make sure that we are advertising our documentary as well as informing people about being surveilled in general.

Wednesday, 23 February 2011
Opening- 1st Draft
This is our first draft of the opening. We still have a few small changes and improvements to adjust but its almost complete.
Wednesday, 16 February 2011
Music and Voiceover for Opening

As a group, we explored different types of music and sound effects for our opening and comtemplated of whether to layer background noise with music or music with voiceover or background noise with displaying text etc...
We were able to transfer our music to iMovie via Garageband and edited it into our opening making sure it started as soon as the clip starts till the end where it fades out before the titles appear, to ensure the opening seemed proffesional.

To complete our opening, we had to record our voiceover but before recording, we created a script of which had to be engaging for the viewers. This is important in order for viewers to want to watch the rest of the documentary and stay in interest.
We made sure it introduces our CCTV topic by presenting some shocking facts and statistics about cctv and summarise what the documentary will be about to make it as exciting as possible for viewers to want more.

We decided to use Cissie to be our 'voice of god' as she had the more clearer and presentable voice out of our group. We were able to record the voiceover in a quiet room using a proffesional microphone to ensure the clearest quality.
After some practise, we were able to perfect the lines of our opening then edited the recording straight into iMovie, making sure the balance between the background music and voiceover was adjusted by making the voiceover slightly louder.

Thursday, 6 January 2011
Editing Opening

We had selected the best shots of which we had filmed in London and have edited them for our opening of our CCTV Documentary using Apples iMovie.
It was important that we edit the opening right to give the audience a good first impression and an idea of what the documentary is about so we wanted it to look fast paced, engaging,exciting and straight to the point. We we able to do this by changing the speed of the clips and increasing it to 70% as well as stabilising the motion so the clips seemed more steady to make the opening seem proffesional.

One of the shots that we wanted to use for the finishing of the opening turned out a bit too shaky so we decided to retake the clip at weybridge train station, where there was an appropriate surveillance camera which moved facing the screen, making the audience feel uneasy and as if they were being 'watched'.

Wednesday, 5 January 2011
Shoot One: Filming in London 5/12/10
For our first shooting day, we decided to film in London as it is a very busy city where surveillance cameras are placed in every corner of every street.
We were able to get various shots to help our documentary opening, which was our first task to complete.

We were able to get various shots to help our documentary opening, which was our first task to complete.
Our first location was Oxford street. We wanted to use oxford street as a place to shoot a couple of crowd shots from different angles. We were able to do this by attatching the camera to a tripod and placing it on a flat surface on which the camera overlooked the crowds.

Whilst in London, we took a look at Abbey road crossing of which a live stream footage captures peoples every movement and is shown on the internet for anyone to view.

When walking along oxford street, We came across a 'Mobile CCTV' Van of which police monitor peoples movements from inside the vehicle. We got the chance to look inside the van but unfortunatly were not allowed to film for legal reasons. The van monitored all the streets and crowds in oxford street to help prevent crime.
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